Thursday, April 22, 2010

Arrivederci, villa!

As my time at the Villa Corsi Salviati comes to an end, I can't help but reflect on what an amazing semester it has been. So few are blessed with the kind of opportunity that I have had. I just spent four months living in a Renaissance villa. Does life get better than that?

Spent my last full day at the villa studying. Took my cinema midterm this morning, studied for art history all afternoon. Took one last run/hike up Monte Morello. While I won't miss the vicious dogs that scare me six feet in the air on every run, I will dearly miss the point where I turn the corner, leaving the main road behind, thus beginning a long, narrow road through olive groves and vineyards, with panoramic views of Sesto and Florence. I will miss the exhilaration of running up a mountain- reaching the end of the trail in 30 minutes and stopping to gaze out at the world's most beautiful country. For all of the chaos and confusion that Italy has dealt with in the past 60 years, none of it has reached the top of my mountain. The top of the mountain is the true Italy, the one uncorrupted by Silvio Berlusconi and the RAI networks, untainted by the ongoing feud between the Fascists and the Communists, untouched by umbrella sellers and miniature models of the David. The top of Monte Morello is perfect. I can't attach any photos of it. In order to maintain the image I have in my mind, I have decided not to take any photos. Actually, it's because I forgot my camera today... Anyway, Appenine Mountains, you will be missed. Bring on Bascom!

Spent the last evening taking one last walk through the villa garden, navigating my way through the hedge maze, eating a pasta dinner, and getting one last gelato- mint and straciatella (chocolate chip). As I watched workers dismantle the Sesto Festival that had enlivened the city throughout last week, the reality that this semester has come to an end finally sank in.

Tomorrow, after my art history final, I leave for a 19 day tour of Europe. I'm not done yet! The itinerary includes 6 days in Switzerland, 6 days in Germany, 2 days in Prague, 4 days in Vienna, and one final day of Michelangelo, ciocolatta calda, chianti classico, and the Duomo. While I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update this blog, I'll do my best to fill you in on life in the rails and hostels of Europe.

I close my last villa blog post with a picture I took during my first week in Italy- a picture which I feel perfectly reflects the beauty of this country and of the place I just called home.

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Villa Corsi Salviati

Villa Corsi Salviati